We want to inspire you to go outside and be happier. We also hope you want to inspire others and us. That’s why we launched #HappierPlace Instagram Inspiration…
Parallel to creating the Happier Place website, we set up several social media channels. Each of them works differently to communicate ideas, make connections, and motivate people to have more fun outdoors. We’ll talk about the different social media platforms in future posts.
Our main focus so far has been Instagram. The clutter-free photography (and video) app is perfect for finding and featuring straight-to-the-point visuals that inspire us to take a break, go outside and have fun.
The Happier_Place Instagram feed is a mixture of our own photos (taken by Luci) and photos taken by others.
We are encouraging photographers to follow us and tag their photos #HappierPlace, which lets us know we have permission to re-share their photos in our feed. This way, they get more exposure for their work, and we can provide more diverse inspiration to everyone.
To get more people to participate, we are also giving away Happier Place products on Instagram. We’ve had 3 giveaways already and are about to announce the 4th…
In addition to the Instagram feed itself, we will feature two handfuls of our favorite photos every month right here on our website (directly from the original photographer’s feed, not our re-share). And we are starting with that RIGHT NOW!
Here are a few favorite #HappierPlace Instagram Inspiration photos from October…
In case you’re wondering: we’ve pulled these photos directly from all the photos tagged #HappierPlace during the month of October – not just the ones that we had already re-shared on Instagram in our own feed.
Also, we decided to only show one picture per photographer here; even though with some, we wanted to show all of their tagged photos.
Last but not least, we can’t share photos here from private accounts; just not possible. Otherwise, the atmospheric photo April took of the man looking out upon the ocean would be here, too.
If you want to see more, follow Happier_Place on Instagram. And please keep on tagging your Instagram photos #HappierPlace… we’d love to see your photos, re-share them in our Instagram feed and maybe include one in the November #HappierPlace Instagram Inspiration post.
And just because… here’s your monthly picture of our dog Whiskey: