Gary King has placed over 250 Happiness street signs across St. Petersburg, Florida, in an effort to help people get happier. He calls it The Happiness Experiment.
When it comes to his work life, Gary King has already had a long and colorful career of extremes. He’s been a professional powerboat race driver (setting a world record in 1991), produced and directed some of the largest motor sports events in Tampa Bay, became an international artist with commissioned work reaching as far as Japan, and worked as Director of Security, Road Manager, Operations Manager and personal consultant to Anthony Robbins and Robbins Research International for 25 years.
Originally from Port Chester, NY, Gary King came to Florida with is parents in the 1950s – and has traveled extensively. His personal life has had many ups and downs, including traumatic events, health challenges, and the death of his only child, Jason King, who took his own life in 2012.
Together, his professional and personal experiences have led Gary to focus his energy on trying to help people be happier and make the world a happier place.

Over the 25 years traveling along with the Tony Robbins events and through countless conversations and interviews, Gary developed a profound message focused on Character, Ethics, Integrity and Forgiveness. He has branded this message The Power of Truth and The Happiness Formula: “All lives center around emotions that can either enhance our lives or seriously drain us of vibrancy. Our internal world controls our external world. The implementation of Forgiveness, Honesty, Truth and Self-Worth will create an internal skill set to effectively manage your external world.”
His book The Happiness Formula: The Ultimate Life Makeover was released early in 2016, along with a worldwide series of seminars and retreats. His message has been featured in Oprah Magazine and O’s Guide to Life, among other publications.

In November 2019, Gary started a new project: The Happiness Experiment. Based on the idea that seeing and experiencing the word Happiness can have a positive impact, Gary King as placed signs with the word “Happiness” all over the city of St. Petersburg, Florida.
Of course, as soon as we noticed these signs around the city, we were curious who was putting up these Happiness signs and wanted to find out: what is the idea behind what looked like happier-making street art to us.
We’re so pleased we were able to connect with Gary King and let him share his thoughts and ideas with you.
Gary King – what do you do?
I’m a speaker, author and entrepreneur. My first presentation which I did for 10 years was called “The Power of Truth”. The next presentations were based on my book “The Happiness Formula”. My fist international presentation was in Australia. To date, I have traveled almost 4 million international miles and done 1000s of presentations at schools, colleges, men’s maximum security prisons, women’s prisons, and for leadership groups, entrepreneurs, relationship seminars, and women’s retreats. Many radio and TV interviews, and magazine articles.
My current heading is Gary King & The Happiness Experiment, which has attracted 8 TV news stories and was a headline on the Tampa Bay Times the day before the 2020 Presidential election.
I started the experiment on November 7th, 2019. Since that date I have put up 264 Happiness signs in St. Petersburg.
Why do you do what you do?
I do what I do because it is who I am as a person. I was born an empath. Most people have no clear understanding of why they are here, they think it is about money, success, fame, materialism and on and on. In the 1980s I had an NDE, Near Death Experience. I learned what most people will never learn until their last breathe.
I’m here to teach people life lessons, i.e., “There Is No Such Thing As An Inconsequential Lie” and “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a GIFT that is why they call it the PRESENT.”
History follows cycles, from human growth to human decay. When honesty, ethics, integrity, morals, respect for life, etc. become optional, that is called human decay. I teach self-worth, empathy, consciousness, mindfulness; Happiness is a byproduct of emotional understanding.

Why did you start the Happiness Experiment?
I was attempting to treat my complex PTSD by constantly handling the word “Happiness”. Then I started posting the signs in the FaceBook “I Love St Pete” Group so I could track the responses, there have been 1000s. I can no longer go anywhere in St Pete without being recognized regarding the Happiness signs.
So, why the experiment? Here is what people worldwide are not conscious of, their whole life is a Happiness Experiment, starting at birth. Almost everything they do is in some way related to finding Happiness, through their whole life.
In our current time period, almost everything is designed to make people fearful, paranoid, depressed, stressed out, in conflict, violent, revengeful and on and on and on. Most children have zero inner peace, and parents are worse.
The 264 Happiness signs are based on science. They create auto suggestion, they are subliminal, they emit a frequency (all words emit a frequency) that effects the human core frequency. As far as I know, St Petersburg is the only city in the US where this is being done.
Some of the results of stories about the signs will make you cry.

Specific Happier Place locations?
My favorite place to go just “Be” is Muir Woods outside San Francisco, or watching the sunset over the Gulf, or reading a book in Abercrombie Park in St. Pete.
When I had my NDE, I found out all things are connected, humans, plants, trees, animals, everything. I could literally watch an ant for 1 hour, I could feel what others were feeling, and on and on.
Words of inspiration?
The two most important days of your life are
Mark Twain
the day you are born
and the day you figure out why.
Find Gary King online
The Happiness Formula on Facebook
News Segment with Gary King on Bay News 9
Get your own sign
Gary King has recently started selling the Happiness street signs at Christy’s Enchanted Notions, 633 Central Ave, St. Petersburg.
Let’s Inspire Each Other
Have you seen any of the Happiness signs? Where? And what thoughts or questions came to your mind? If you’re not from around St. Pete, have you seen any similar signs or public messages where you live?
What other thoughts were sparked by the experiment and this interview? Do you have any questions for Gary King?
Please leave a comment or question in the reply section below.

All photos and video courtesy of Gary King. All opinions and stated facts made by the interviewees are theirs, and don’t necessary reflect those of the people behind Happier Place (aka Luci and Scott).
Gary, thanks so much for putting these up around town. Just seeing them makes me happy! I have a cool picture of one, but I cannot find a place to upload it. You’re the best, THANKS!
I received a Happiness Experience bumper sticker at the street market in Gulfport this past Tuesday, so I looked it up on line to see what it’s all about. I’m interested to learn more! Where we live in DE, in a town called Milton, coincidentally my last name, they have a similar campaign putting “HOPE” sign all over town. So nice in the midst of all.the chaos to see people attempting to reach others in the name of mindfulness. I’d like to hear more about the NDE you had. I’ll have to look into that more. Thank you for sharing.
I met Gary King a few years ago on Central Ave. I would love to hear him speak. I bought a few of his happiness signs. Mine is posted on the telephone pole outside my home but it is not up high as I did not get on a ladder! It has been there for several months!! I am looking forward to his new book!
I noticed your signs while in St. Pete. I knew there had to be a story. So sorry for your loss. Thanks for the word your spreading. It did make me smile. God bless you Gary.
I’ve never heard of Gary King before, but eh Happiness Experiment sounds like it is wonderful and inspirational.
I’m glad we could introduce you to Gary King and his Happiness Experiment. 🙂
Wow an interesting experiment! It is good to hear the background to all of this too.
The idea of a happiness sign is quite a cool one. Thinking that something as simple as a sign with a word on can make people happier is nice x
Gary King is truly anhappy guy! I enjoy learning all about his experience.
That is a great idea to put up the happiness signs. I think we need that in every city!
I love this so much. What an inspiring project!!
How awesome! He really does seem genuinely happy, thanks for sharing this I had not heard of him before this.
I travel 49th street to Gulfport Blvd So. in ST. Petersburg FL 3 days a week on my way home from volunteering with SOS(Saving Our Seniors). I look for the sign every time and then reflect on my positive thoughts that follow. I’m grateful I live here and can see the signs most every way I travel in this city. Thank you, Gary for sharing your positive vibes with us and with the world❤️
What a kind ma he is and I do hope more people are happy due to this Happiness Experiment with the signs. We need more people like him
I hadn’t heard of Gary King. I love the why here. We should all be working harder to bring happiness into other people’s lives.
I’ve never heard of him, he is awesome! I can feel his energy reading his answers, amazing!
The Happiness Experiment is such a good idea. I think the power of auto suggestion is underestimated. I think Gary nailed it when he said people spend their whole lives looking for happiness. I would love to hear some more about what the signs have done for people.