The concept of “disconnect to connect” is as simple as it is rewarding. Turn off your digital device to be more present, engaged, and feel liberated IRL (in real life). Naturally, it’ll make you happier.
It’s a simple idea, yet it keeps getting harder to do. Most of us are super attached to our digital devices and hooked on apps. A lot of our activities and socializing are intertwined with social media and the at-your-fingertips information smartphones provide.
Sure, it’s great to stay in touch with friends across time and space, to let “that voice” guide you on a drive, to have every factoid and news tidbit always available, to constantly have a camera at-the-ready, to get endless hours of music and literature and “TV” shows and on and on…
But while we’ve been happily connecting with our smart devices, we’ve been missing out on something that makes us happier: natural and personal connection. Let’s change that!
Of course, we’re not talking about throwing away all of our digital devices, we’re talking about turning them off for a bit or even leaving them at home (oh my!) when going on an outing.
We know, it’s hard. But this is why it’s worth it…
Disconnect to Connect More
When you head outdoors without your phone, you’re leaving behind “a magnet” for the eyes and ears. Without it, all your senses are open to the world around you. You’ll see and hear more of where you are and what’s happening. You’ll be more aware of your place in the world. You’ll be more present. If there’s another person, you’ll also be more present with each other.
You feel more connected – and connected to more.
Disconnect to Connect Deeper
Smartphones can add a helpful layer to an experience, e.g., giving directions, identifying plants, taking pictures. But that can also create a barrier between you and the experience. Without the option to take a quick picture, identify a plant, or know the next turn, you’ll focus more on what you’re experiencing and pay more attention to detail. You’ll engage more deeply with all that’s around you.
You create a deeper connection that satisfies and lasts.
Disconnect to Connect Happier
Being without your smart device eliminates distractions that can make you unhappy. There are the obvious culprits like breaking news updates or work-related notifications. Now social media is also known to make people unhappy. Give yourself a break from bad news, other people’s more-fabulous-than-thou posts, and checking your own “popularity”. Even more daring: you being outdoors without your phone camera! Suddenly, you’re free from the pressure to take the most impressive photo. Imagine enjoying a view for what it is – and not a potential Instagram post. “They” don’t even need to know you’re outside being happier. This outing is just for you. Enjoy!
Disconnect to liberate yourself from all the pressures and distractions. Connect with a happier you.
So how about it? Ready to go for a walk, hike, or ride without your smart phone? Turn off your digital devices for an afternoon visiting with relatives this holiday season? Leave your phone at home while spending a Saturday out and about?
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Let’s inspire each other!
Please leave a comment below: Tell us about your experiences with taking a break from your smart device. Add your suggestions for when to turn it off and when to leave it behind. Reminisce about a world before smart phones. Feel free to share any other related thoughts.
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what amazing lesson,,,i really agree with everyone since this is the main problem faced by everyone in this todays life
This is an interesting read and yes, I agree with you that it is sometimes we need to disconnect to be able to be present IRL. I am planning to do this in the next few days. I am just finishing some tasks and will stay offline until the new year.
I completely agree with you. In the age of social media, most people are unhappy with their lives that they try so hard to out do themselves. Sometimes, disconnecting helps to bring sanity to one’s life. When I went on break, I disconnected and that made it possible to live in and enjoy the moment.
I wonder if personal connection will ever become trendy again. Seems like we’ve gone too far to turn back. These little devices are addictive for sure. They have changed so many things.
I really like the message behind the post. It is important to disconnect to connect.
Love the message of this post. I feel that we all are too attached to our phones and although it is great for keeping in touch with people that are a distance away staring at our phones can have an negative impact on our relationships with those that we are actually closest to.
Thank you so much for your comment! It’s a bit ironic and sad when connecting to people afar via our phones creates distance to the people right in front of us.
As busy as I am everyday, I don’t use my smart phone that often. It is only when I take a break from my tasks that I get to pick up my phone to check messages and email. I think families should set up a time when they would just put down their phones/gadgets and enjoy each others’ company. For us, we do that every dinner time.
That’s a great idea to set up a scheduled time to put the gadgets down. Wonderful that you do that during dinner time. It keeps up the tradition we had before those smart devices came into our lives – when dinner was the time for everyone to connect over the dinner table.
I love this! disconnect to connect” It’s okay to explore and enjoy things outside the digital world for me too much using of gadget and see a lot’s of rants in social media it makes me feel cynical and toxicity. Nice post!
Thank you! I’m glad this post spoke to you so much. Toxicity and feeling cynical are familiar byproducts of social media for me too. That’s when I know it’s time to take a break. 🙂