Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and enjoy a festive homemade Glühwein (literally: “Glow Wine”). It’ll warm you right up and put a happier glow on your face.
In Germany, the four weeks leading up to Christmas (also known as Adventszeit = Advent Time) are extra special because of the Christmas Markets everywhere. Sure, a German Christmas Market is a place where you can purchase hand-crafted presents and enjoy holiday lights, music and atmosphere. But more importantly to us, and many people: it’s where you meet your friends and family to drink Glühwein and eat Gebrannte Mandeln (roasted, caramelized almonds).
The smell of the German mulled wine and the roasted almonds evoke feelings of happiness, companionship and joy – basically what the holidays are (supposed to be) about. It’s probably rather challenging to make the perfect Gebrannte Mandeln (we need to look into that). Fortunately, it’s super easy to make your own Glühwein at home!
Of course, it doesn’t have to be “the holidays” to enjoy this drink. Mulled wine will make you feel all cozy and warm on any cold day or night.
All you need is some red wine, a few spices, citrus fruit, a pot and a stove… and in less than 30 minutes you can enjoy and share your very own homemade Glühwein!
Glühwein Recipe Ingredients:
1 bottle (750ml) red wine
3/4 cup water
3 tablespoons sugar
5 whole cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
2 whole star anise (optional)
1/2 orange (sliced)
Glühwein Recipe Steps:
- Heat wine and water in a pot over medium heat. During the whole process the mixture should just barely simmer, but never boil. Otherwise, the alcohol will evaporate. Booh.
- Add all the other ingredients and let the wine mixture simmer for at least 20 minutes- but preferably for an hour or even a few hours on a low temperature.
- Strain all the spices before serving the drink in a mug or glass… or taking it to go in the Happier Place Double Wall Insulated Stainless Steel Bottle.
Happier Tips:
When choosing your wine, we recommend dry wines or wines with a robust flavor that can stand up to the spices. Using sweet wines would make the entire drink much too sweet. A Pinot Noir, Merlot or Spätburgunder works great.
If you would prefer your Glühwein a bit stronger in alcohol, you should make it “mit Schuss” (add a shot). We recommend a dark and/or spiced rum like Mount Gay or Sailor Jerry. We’ve also heard that people enjoy adding brandy or amaretto. Still need to try that.
If you lean towards the other end of the alcohol spectrum, you can also make a non-alcoholic Glühwein by using grape juice or apple juice instead of the red wine – and adding a cut-up apple instead of the citrus fruit – and only adding a spoonful of sugar.
You can also make a white wine-based Glühwein… Yup, it’s as easy as using white wine instead of red wine.
Glühwein does taste best when you’re outside in the cold. It’s just the way it is. So we recommend you make a batch, fill up your Happier Stainless Steel Bottle and take your homemade German Glow Wine and someone who makes you happier on a nice long walk out into nature. The Happier Stainless Steel Bottle is the exact size of a bottle of wine and is double-insulated to keep your Glühwein warm.
Let’s inspire each other!
Have you ever had German Mulled Wine? … maybe even at a German Christmas Market? How about Mulled Wine from other countries and cultures? Have you made some yourself? Or do you prefer warm cider beverages?
Please leave a reply below – based on these questions or whatever you’d like to share…
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I love mulled wine, especially at holiday gatherings with friends. Fruit added to the cup is beautiful!
This is just perfect for the holidays. What a great way to liven up a xmas party!
I haven’t had this before, but it looks like a great holiday drink! Will have to try it some time!
Love this!! I grew up with a lot of traditional German food and drink from my Oma and I’ve always loved it. I can’t wait to try this!
Oh! I’m going to have to give this recipe a try. I love mulled wine, especially in the winter.
Oh wow this sounds so delicious! I will definitely need to prepare this for Christmas, I can’t wait to serve it to all of my family and friends. 🙂
Xoxo – Elizabeth
I have never made my own mulled wine before, I will definitely have to give this a try. Sounds delicious 🙂
I didn’t know this about Christmas time in Germany. It’s always great to learn about
other cultures and traditions.